About Me

just a fun loving person that wants to share her writing and outlook on life with people. :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010


we have all gone to the doctor where they ask "do u have suicidal thoughts" or "are u depressed" the fact of the matter is almost everyone who goes in there has had suicidal thoughts at one time or another. has been depressed one time or another. and the fact of the matter is the people who are still sane enough are not gonna seek out help cause the only help they are gonna get is being told something is wrong with them then have people walk on egg shells the rest of their lives. not to mention the meds they might be expected to take. being someone who was on meds most of their child hood i can tell u being told u have to take long term meds sucks. and being someone who finally got off the meds to realize "hey i can actually do this on my own look at that". another fact of the matter is teens AND adults will use suicide to get attention. some never intend to kill themselves just hurt themselves enough to get someones attention. having been one of those teens who had suicidal thoughts on a regular base i never acted on them. just because u have them doesn't mean ur gonna act on them, im proof of that. however i also know how hard it can be for some people to control the temptation to act on them.

anyways if anyone is reading this post ur thoughts about this topic in the comments

                                                                                                                         happy holidays,

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