About Me

just a fun loving person that wants to share her writing and outlook on life with people. :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

family/ holidays

this is gonna be a 2 part post. (basiclly a post with 2 topics)

i dont know bout you guys but sometimes family doesn't always seem like family. take today for instance, tomorrow is my cousins 3rd birthday but my aunt and uncle decided to have the party today. it was at a park which was a great idea cause it was really nice out today. anyways, the only hugs and hellos were from my cousins.. my aunt and uncle didn't say "nice to see u" or "happy holidays" not even "hello" was uttered. heck i dont think i even brushed skin with either my aunt or uncle. i love my family i do but when i only get to see my cousins if im babysitting or on b-days or holidays it kinda sucks. and make me feel like setting time aside to spend time with us is a hassle.


how many people out there feel that every year it seems less and less like christmas during December? this year hardly any place is decoration and the only angel tree iv seen was at the mall. even worse a friend of mine told me about how this guy she knew who was volunteering for something to collect money to give less fortunate children presents. when a guy in a Mercedes pulls up and when asked if he could donate even just a little the guy replied rudely with "i dont got the money" now i know theres a chance this guy really didn't have the money but considering the type of car he had im sure he had at least one dollar to spare. every year people forget the true meaning of christmas more and more. it's not about what u get or how much u spend on a present. the true meaning of christmas is being thankful for what u have, and what u have is family. it's about spending time with that family. im only 17 and i rather spend time with my family than get a gift in the mail on christmas.  last thursday i was told a story by someone i had only recently met. it was about how this old lady, in her late 70's early 80's, was walking along and she stopped to give her a ride. when this person dropped the lady off at home the lady gave her a small goodie bag as a way to thank her for her kindness. all that was in the goodie bag was a half used bag of coffee, 2 packets of coolaid and some dumdums. the fact that even thou this lady didn't have much and she still tried to give all she could warms my heart. most people now a days are more worried about what they dont have and not about how much more they have then some. there WILL be kids that go hungry on christmas this year. there WILL be a person that dies on christmas. there WILL be hundreds that will curl up on christmas night in an alley, or street, park or corner. while the rest of us get a warm blanket to snuggle under after a delicious meal.

my honest opinion on everything i would really hate to see what this world would be like if there wasn't a christmas. if there wasn't a set time to be at least a smidgen more polite. a set time where people are expected to care. we shouldn't have to have be reminded once a year to give or to think about others. just because it's not christmas doesn't mean there aint people who are gonna go homeless, doesn't mean there aren't people who are gonna starve.

next time you pass by a angle tree at the store take a good look at whats writen on the angles. one year the tree was over run by request from group homes for clothes, cribs, high chairs. kids in those places have already lost enough they dont need to suffer anymore than they already have.
................................................................................................................................but yet they do.

happy holidays,

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